Marigold returned to Lorraine, and became one of the pack. The breeder was turning breed judge, and ending her breeding program after thirty years. She was placing their remaining dogs. But Marigold was her heart dog, and needed a very special home to be placed in.
One of Marigold’s distant cousins, same grandfather, had gone on to stardom, in obedience, rally, agility, and especially in therapy work. “M.G.” was quite the “poster boy” for the Shih Tzu breed. Lorraine was his proud breeder also. Knowing what Burton had done with M.G., Lorraine wanted the same for her Marigold. To be an active contributor. There is a very famous saying in the dog world ... “A balanced dog has titles on both ends.”
Shellie and Burton were already active in the local breed club, and along with Lorraine, were planning the hosting of their national specialty here in Frederick, Maryland, in 2006. It was at the holiday / planning party at the end of 2005, that Marigold made her first impression on Shellie.
Somehow that connection that Lorraine had wanted, happened. Within a few days, Marigold was living in our house, as a part of our family. She had never seen stairs, grass, nor rain. Breed dog don’t need to be house broken, and their house is a rambler. That was all reversed within the first few minutes in our house. She stood at the top of the stairs, looking down, when M.G. climbed back up the stairs, stood beside her, and climbed down. Marigold figured that if he could do it, so could she. It was raining outside, and when M.G. walked over to the tree and lifted his leg, Marigold got her first exposure to a house broken dog! She also became “Goldie”.
Within weeks Goldie had her C.G.C. (and her T.D.I.). After waiting the required amount of time, she became Delta certified, and has been visiting weekly ever since. Goldie has earned two A.K.C. rally titles, her C.D. obedience title, and her two novice agility titles. But she is a natural when it comes to interfacing with people. She never met anyone (who might possibly have a treat for her ... maybe, maybe) that she didn’t like. Who can resist that cute little “diva”?!?
Goldie is a natural born crowd pleaser.
“Treat ... did anyone say treat?!?”
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